Regardless of age, every person is concerned about the appearance during orthodontic treatment.

The aesthetic impact of wearing an orthodontic appliance is the main issue that triggers reluctance in patients who need orthodontic treatment. Modern technologies allow appliances to be as inconspicuous or discreet as possible.

Aesthetic orthodontic appliances

At Office Dent we offer several types of facial appliances:

Invisible braces are applied behind the teeth, on the lingual sides of the teeth and are completely invisible. They have the same functionality and treatment duration as regular braces, only no one knows you have them in your mouth. They are intended primarily for artists or public people. The main disadvantage is the high price of this treatment.

Sapphire bracket braces are made of an artificial crystal, sapphire, with a chameleon effect that is hardly noticeable on the surfaces of teeth. They have the highest physiognomic grade and can be worn as jewellery. They do not absorb dyes, do not accumulate plaque on their surface and thus do not change their invisible properties during treatment. The costs of this treatment are slightly higher than for ceramic brackets but much lower than for lingual braces.

Ceramic braces are physiognomic with tooth-coloured brackets that are less visible from a distance.

Metal braces were the first orthodontic appliance invented, and they are still the solution of choice for most patients, due to their low cost and the therapeutic advantages they offer.

Regardless of age and physical requirements, there are solutions for all patients in need of orthodontic treatment, the result of a perfect smile and perfectly healthy and aligned teeth can be achieved without any sacrifice of image.


Mobile orthodontic appliances

The mobile device is generally recommended for children when they are growing up.

These braces are not fixed to the teeth and can be removed by the patient, but the minimum wearing time is 16 hours a day.

They are generally used to stimulate arch growth by facilitating dental alignment or to correct small malpositions. Depending on the problem, they may be the only treatment, or they may simply improve the clinical situation by reducing the time it takes to wear a fixed appliance.