Incognito braces have a number of advantages that make them extremely attractive to adults with busy professional or social lives who want to achieve the desired results quickly and with minimal effort.

The invisible braces are made by computerised analysis and scanning of the tooth moulding in one laboratory in the world, located in GERMANY and can only be fitted by specialists accredited by Dr Dirk Wiechmann. Although it is a fixed appliance, its customised design makes the discomfort caused by getting used to invisible braces minimal and very short-lived.

Steps of treatment with lingual braces:

  • Face analysis in general: facial line, teeth, smile
  • Demonstration presentation before/after treatment with an invisible dental appliance
  • Production of the INCOGNITO device in Germany-Bad Essen - takes about 6 weeks
  • Application of the device and monitoring of the treatment progress - check-ups every 4 weeks

Advantages of invisible braces

This brace has a number of advantages that make it extremely attractive to adults with a busy professional or social life who want to achieve the desired results quickly and with minimal effort.

Lingual braces Classic braces
Brackets are cemented on the inside of the teeth - no risk of decay Brackets are cemented to the outside of the teeth - risk of decay and demineralisation of tooth enamel
The metal skeleton of the device is invisible, the aesthetic alternative to classic devices The metal skeleton of the device is visible, so it becomes unsightly
Brackets are custom made, each tooth having a unique anatomical shape in the lingual area - COMPUTERIZED SCANNING Brackets are prefabricated and standardized, - Relatively uniform shape of most dental surfaces (buccal area)
The device is suitable for children over 12 years old, teenagers and adults. Standard brackets are suitable for any dental size or bite type
Not all orthodontists are INCOGNITO® accredited for lingual treatment. All orthodontists are trained to apply standard fixed appliances
High costs Low costs
More frequent checks needed - every 4 weeks Rarely required check-ups - every 6 weeks
Total treatment period - low Total treatment period - wholesale