Name Price
Endodontic whitening / session 120.00 RON
Monoadicular tooth debturation 120.00 RON
Dezobturation of pluriradicular tooth 140.00 RON
Endodontic drainage 80.00 RON
Removal of monoradicular tooth 100.00 RON
Removal of pluriradicular tooth 120.00 RON
Molar extirpation of the mind 150.00 RON
Monoradicular root canal filling 120.00 RON
Multiradicular root canal filling 140.00 RON
Molar root canal filling 200.00 RON
Provisional anti-inflammatory/antibiotic dressing 50.00 RON
Mechanical treatment of monoradicular canal 80.00 RON
Mechanical root canal treatment 100.00 RON
*The duration of treatments varies depending on the clinical situation of each patient.