Filling is a sealing procedure that is designed to prevent the development of dental caries by preventing the entry of bacteria. In our clinic the most commonly used fillings are porcelain and composite resin fillings. The type of filling is determined by the degree of damage to the tooth, the location of the damage and the cost.

inlay onlay

Porcelain fillings can be ceramic inlays or onlays that are custom-made in the dental laboratory. They are made to the tooth shade, resist staining and are a conservative, minimally invasive alternative to dental crowns.

Composite resin fillings are made in the office where the ingredients are mixed and inserted into the oral cavity where they harden. Composite resins can be matched to the colour of the tooth to achieve a natural-looking, aesthetic result. However, this solution is not viable for large fillings as they shrink and wear over time and stain from coffee, tea, wine or tobacco;

How is the filling performed?
If the doctor decides that a filling is necessary, he or she starts by removing the affected tissue, cleaning the area followed by applying the filling. The doctor identifies the need for a filling during the initial check-up when examining the surface of each tooth and/or by examining the panoramic X-ray.